Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Visa Interview Experience

VO = Visa officer

VO - Hi Good Morning.
ME - Good Morning

VO - So you're going to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ?
ME - yerp.

VO - What course are you taking ?
ME - Information Technology

VO - How long will you be studying there ?
ME - 48 months, 4 years to be exac

VO - What does your parents do ?
ME - my dad was deceased in 2000 of cancer and my mom is a retired government worker

VO - what's does ur mom work as in the government ?
ME - she was a government officer.

VO- well ur mom must be really proud of you.
ME - *numb* err thank you.

VO - Tell me about your siblings.
ME - well my eldest brother is currently pursuing his masters degree in australia, my 2nd brother is working as a manager in malaysia, and my sister is currently a business consultant also working in malaysia.

VO - we would be happy to give you a visa. your visa will be done within 3 working days
ME - thank you so much. have a nice day !
VO - you too !

*walks away*
*came back to the counter*

ME - hi, i would like to inquire about the delivery methods. if lets say i decided to change from delivery to pickup, at what time can i pickup the passport ?
VO - usually it will be either late morning or in the evening.
ME - allright ok thanks again !

*the next day i received an email saying that my visa was approved. =D

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